Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence on Climate Change, Green Transition and Sustainability

Chairperson's Message

South Asian University (SAU), an international public university, was set up in 2010 by eight SAARC nations in the region. It now proposes to set up a dedicated Center on Climate Change, Green Transformation, and Sustainability, which it believes will add value to its existing verticals of academic, research, and training programs at the cusp of policy and practice components. To take forward the plan of setting up the center, we convened a focus group meeting on July 19, 2024, at the university premises to discuss various aspects related to the proposed center.

We are well aware of the complexity of climate change challenges, which now more than ever before warrant specific solutions aimed both at adaptation and mitigation aspects of the climate crisis. The Centre would endeavor to focus on niche research, policy, practice, and academic programs, catering to the tailored solutions in context of the specific regional needs in the medium and long term horizon. The Centre would help build skills and inculcate sensibilities towards sustained positive human behavioral aspects while partnering with diverse regional shareholders and stakeholders.

We work across resource efficiency, sustainability and value chains

Heavy Industry
Critical Minerals
Solar Energy

About Us

In context of SAU’s mandate and its international public university status, interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change, Green Transition and Sustainability is governed through operational model that is unique, scalable and impact oriented that is trans-boundary, interdisciplinary while solidifying partnerships and collaborations in South Asia, global South and beyond.


We analyze climate episodes and it's solutions through focus on causes of things for regional development and global geo-politics for shared prosperity


India will reduce the total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes from now till 2030 focused on green energy and tech


We also map CO2 and help industry decarbonize in line with india's international climate commitments

Our Team Members

We are pro science, pro data and pro evidence in analyzing consequences of changes in climate, environment and biodiversity. Centre focuses on status about climate challenges, reimagining partnerships to advance agenda for future generations


We acknowledge and thank all those who have supported the establishment of the centre

Our MOU Partners

Climate change, green transition, and sustainability are cross-border issues dependent on data, science and interpretations. The evidence about climate change no longer requires any further reinforcement and recheck. The solution to the problems hinges on nuanced education and scientific modeling. We consequentially engage in education, dialogue and collaboration.